Players' value

The credit value assigned to each player increases or decreases after each Matchday. This variation is called Plusvalenza (or minusvalenza) and is calculated based on two factors:

  1. The obtained score.

  2. The starting value: with the same score, a player with a lower starting value will experience a greater plusvalenza compared to a player with a higher starting value.

This variation will increase or decrease your credit budget, thereby modifying your purchasing power.


My fantasy team has 150 credits. My player XY, whose value is 20cr, after a match achieves a very high score, and her value increases by +1cr, reaching 21cr. The value of my fantasy team then changes from 150 to 151cr, increasing my purchasing power because, if I sell the player, I can replace her with one worth 21cr (rather than the initial 20cr).


  1. Key Injuries: If a high-value player gets injured, for each missed game, he/she will lose value (-0.1cr) and can be purchased upon return for a much lower price. It is advisable to sell him/her immediately after the injury to avoid losing value.

  2. Substitutes for Injured Starters: If a high-value player gets injured and is replaced by a mid-range player, who, for a reduced price, ensures you good appearances and statistics.

  3. Breakout Players of the Year: This is where the great scouts of VNL Fantasy come into play—discovering initially underrated talents at a low price, who will then score high points (and thus capital gains) throughout the year.

Last updated