Team management

Each VNL Fantasy Matchday (M) corresponds to a real game day in the championship. During a game day, it will be possible to see the fantasy score of each player in real time.

During the lineup for the Matchday, remember that the starting six and the libero earn 100% of the fantasy points, while the remaining players on the bench earn 50%.


Modify your fantasy team at the end of each Matchday to have a roster with players well-distributed between the starting lineup (where you will field those you expect to score higher) and the bench.


Between the end of each Matchday and the beginning of the next, the Market opens, allowing you to make transfers. During this time, you can sell players from your fantasy team and acquire new ones to improve your roster:

  • Between one Matchday and another of the same Gameweek, you can make a maximum of 5 transfers in each market session (any transfers not made do not accumulate for subsequent Matchdays).

  • During the Stage Group, between the last Matchday of a Gameweek and the first Matchday of the next Gameweek, you can make unlimited transfers.

  • At the end of the Stage Group, before the Final Phase and at the end of the single rounds (Quarterfinals and Semifinals), you can make unlimited transfers.

  • The market closes 1 minute before the start of the first game of each Matchday.

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