In the Draft Mode, it is possible to make transfers during the season. Free agents are players who do not belong to any team participating in the Draft and can be acquired during market windows.
How to buy a free agent:
Select a player within your roster that you want to replace and choose from the free agents a player in the same position that you want to acquire.
If you have a budget, decide how many credits to offer additionally (in the case of credit drafts, the value of your selected player in the trade will automatically be offered, which will be added to the offered credits).
After confirming the offer, the player you want to exchange will reappear in your team with a different display to emphasize that a potential trade is ongoing. As long as this remains active, the player cannot be proposed in another trade. The offer will appear in the "Trades" section and can be modified at any time.
3 hours before the market window closes, the participant with the highest bid will automatically see the new player appear in their roster, in the same position as the one replaced and with the same value, plus any additional credits offered. The traded player will end up in the list of free agents and will be available from the next market window. In case of a tie in the bid, the auction is won by the user lower in the Draft standings.
When the trade falls through, the offered credits are credited back to your budget, and the player proposed in the trade will remain on the team.